Let's Talk About Chef

The Almost Forgotten And Slightly Horrible History Of Mac And Cheese

September 03, 2021 Let's Talk About Chef Season 1 Episode 71
Let's Talk About Chef
The Almost Forgotten And Slightly Horrible History Of Mac And Cheese
Show Notes

This episode of Lets Talk About Chef is all about the slightly horrible history of Mac and cheese, and also how Canada has made Kraft dinner its national food. 

We are very aware of the fact the we have talked about Mac and cheese before but quite frankly this is a free show and we thought that telling the real facts about how Thomas Jefferson took credit for a dish that his enslaved chef James Hemmings made for him is worth talking about. 

This episode was written by Brian Clarke 
If you want to write into the show send everything to letstalkaboutchef@gmail.com
you can follow Brian @chefbrianclarke on Instagram