It's time to embed your episodes on your website! This process can seem daunting but it is actually pretty straightforward and can be really easy once you get the hang of it!
When you host your podcast with Buzzsprout you have access to the Buzzsprout embed players! We have multiple versions of these players,
they can be customized to align with your website look and feel, and you can
create custom players to show certain episodes!
In Buzzsprout, you have three player options: The Individual Episode Player, The Single Episode Player, and The Multiple Episode Player.
The Individual Episode Player
This player is very simple and straightforward. It will only ever show the one episode you are embedding. It won't change on its own and it won't ever add new episodes. This is a great option when you need to embed an episode into a blog post that is specifically about that episode. Check out this help article all about how to find the embed code for this player:
Embed Individual Episode
Pro Tip: If you need to embed an individual episode on then you can use our
Wordpress Plugin! It will connect your Wordpress account to your Buzzsprout RSS feed so you can simply select the episode from within Wordpress and drop the embedded shortcode onto your page.
The Single Episode Player
Similar to the Individual Episode player the single episode player will only show one episode per player. However, what makes it different is that it will update automatically with each new episode that is published in Buzzsprout. So this player would be a good choice for a page where you want all the episodes to show and in their own players!
The Multiple Episode Player
This player is different from the first two because instead of showing one episode per player, it shows many episodes! It will also update automatically with new episodes as they are published in your account and it can be customized to show specific episodes. This can be a great option if you have different categories in your podcast and want to have separate players on your website. Check out this help article for more about that:
Creating Custom Players

Both the Single and Multiple Episode players can be found on the
Players page in your account. There you will be able to customize the players and find their embed codes!
Embedding on Your Website
Now that you know the different types of players you have access to in Buzzsprout you will need to learn how to embed those players on your website. Each website builder has its own embedding process so check out these articles for a walkthrough of your site:
Don’t see yours here? Don't worry, we can still help! Shoot us an email at and we'll do our best to figure it out and walk you through the embedding process!