
You Say Yes, I Say No

May 01, 2019 Mothertongue Media Season 1 Episode 1
You Say Yes, I Say No
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00:00 | 40:26
Show Notes

Two very different takes on what our default response to life's opportunities ought to be. 

Based on a pair of words that we all use every day. A pair of words with the power to change your life, alter the course of history, or simply stop you leaving the house. Those words, of course, are Yes and No.

First we hear from Aalborg University psychology professor and bestselling author Svend Brinkmann about the importance of wearing "the No hat", the tyranny of positive thinking, and the "joy of missing out".

Then we meet Jay Sukow, until recently the artistic director of Copenhagen's top improv school. He talks about the life-changing power of saying "Yes, and…", why mistakes should be seen as gifts, and why you should do one thing every week that scares you.